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:: Five Days Post Surgery

MONDAY – We brought Ella back to the hospital today so they could remove her bandages and take a look at her fluid filled tummy. She really wasn’t feeling herself yesterday and I was getting a bit worried about my baby girl- She has been doing so well since her amputation that it seemed to good to be true.

The surgeon said that the fluid in her tummy is nothing to worry about and is just normal fluid from the surgery. Apparently the bandages pushed the fluid down and kept it away from her incision sight which is a good thing. The surgeon said that dogs are less likely to get a seroma if they are bandaged because the fluid can’t build up around the incision, I was relieved to hear that!  Ella just needs lots of belly massages to help the fluid loosen up and we can put her cold pack on that Bella’s Pain Relief donated to her.

I think Ella is a lot more comfortable today without the bandages, I think being wrapped up like a mummy was keeping her from getting in comfortable positions. She has been sound a sleep since we came home and finally looks relaxed. Her incision and staples look so great, there is no redness at all and the bruising is very minimal- I think the surgeon really did a great job and was very gentle with her.

Hopefully she will continue to rest and I will be able to relax. Deep breath…..ahhh….

~ by serenityisadog on September 13, 2010 . Tagged: , , ,

13 Responses to “:: Five Days Post Surgery”

  1.   maggie Says:

    Her incision site does look great! Glad to hear the surgeon said all was normal! 🙂

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  2.   kobe341 Says:

    So glad to hear she’s doing better! I agree with Maggie – her incision site looks great! We’ll be thinking of you guys as Ella continues to heal!

    Bethany and Kobe

  3.   Ginger Says:

    The incision does look fantastic. She will be very sleepy the next week or so. Just let her sleep and she will build up her strength. She will begin feeling better every day.

    Sending you cyber hugs and kisses,


  4.   Zeus Says:

    I know everyone has said this, but the incision really does look fabulous!!! It’s a ruff road – the two weeks after the surgery…really ruff. It gets better – promise and before you know it, the surgery and the recovery will be a distant memory.

    I hope you’re getting some rest – as much as possible. It seems silly considering, but it’s really important that you’re as rested as possible too. The emotions can get…um…tiring! We will keep paws crossed for continued daily strength for Ella and for you too 🙂

    Much love,
    Heather and Spirit Zeus

  5.   jdsmom Says:

    Miss Ella,
    You might be in the running for ‘most beautiful incision’, if there is such an award. 🙂 You look fantastic, keep on resting and see if you can snuggle a bit with your family to get them some downtime as well.

    Spirit Angel JD’s mom

  6.   dyre Says:

    I’m so glad to hear all is going well. I will keep her in my thoughts.

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