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:: Day Six- Leaving Ella

TUESDAY- Today was Jon and I’s first day back to work since Ella’s surgery. We both  took a week vacation to stay home with our baby girl, wish we could have taken a month! Fortunately I only work part time and my mother, Ella’s grandmother was able to come over and stay with Ella while we were gone.

It was so incredibly hard to leave Ella today, I balled the whole way to work. I don’t know what I was upset about, Ella was in good hands and she slept the whole time, I just didn’t want to be away from my baby- it was so, so hard.

Ella’s recovery is staying pretty steady she is healing well, eating, pooping and sleeping a lot during the day and not sleeping as good at night. The fluid and swelling in her belly is almost completely gone though she still has a little redness on her tummy where the edema was. I can’t believe what a good job the surgeon did with Ella’s incision, it really looks wonderful and is healing unbelievable well!

We have started to decrease her pain medicine, we cut her Tramadol down from 2 tabs 3 x a day to 1 tab 3x a day and her Rimadyl from 1 pill 2x a day to 1/2 pill 2x day. She seems to be doing well and her pain seems very minimal. Can’t wait until the day she is finally off all her pain meds. Ella has been on Tramadol and Rimadyl since April and it will be a big sigh of relief when she is finally off everything but her thyroid pill!

~ by serenityisadog on September 14, 2010 . Tagged: , , , ,

3 Responses to “:: Day Six- Leaving Ella”

  1.   jerry Says:

    I’ll bet Ella slept the whole time you were gone. She was probably going “Whew! Now that Mom and Dad are gone I can get some REST!”

    So how did she do?

  2.   etgayle Says:

    those medicinal naps are MAGIC!!! way to go ella, get off of the ‘dope’…once you’ve got the monkey off your back, you will feel so much more like yourself…tell mom to stop worrying so much…geesh…


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