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:: Three Days Post Surgery

SATURDAY – Ella didn’t sleep again last night, she was  whimpering and whining again all night, poor baby! She is getting around so well that we decided this afternoon to take her upstairs to the bedroom for a nap. She did great and was happy to be on the bed that she went to right to sleep. I thought it was going to be weeks before she was able to make it upstairs but she did wonderful and we are going to bring her up tonight so hopefully we will ALL get some sleep tonight!

Ella spent the day in her favorite chair next to the window where she was able to watch the birds and squirrels all day, one of her favorite past times! She is acting a lot more like herself and today the whining seems to have stopped.

We did have a bit of a scare today and ended up bringing her back to the hospital. Ella’s tummy started getting a bloated look and I could feel fluid in it. She isn’t a fat dog but she looks like she has a big belly! The vet said that it was just normal fluid that was getting pushed down due to her bandages and that it was nothing to worry about. So hopefully they are right and her body will just re-absorb the fluid.

So far I am thrilled with Ella’s progress, I never expected her to do this good, this fast! She is such an amazing girl!

~ by serenityisadog on September 11, 2010 . Tagged: , , ,

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