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:: Two Days Post Surgery

FRIDAY – Ella woke up  bright eyed and ready to take on the world, not sure how, she slept just the same 3 hours as me and I’m ragged and blurry eyed! The whining has stopped today for the most part, she is eating well and going out to potty with a good deal of ease, going down the stairs still a little tricky but getting the hang of it. I have noticed when she does whine it’s usually for a reason either she needs to go out, is thirsty or wants a treat/toy. I don’t think today’s whining is because of pain.

Ella had her first visitors today; her grandma came over and our neighbor Mary came to visit, this definitely cheered Ella up! She was so excited to have company and even better they brought toy’s and treats. Ella even received a couple get well cards in the mail today, what a dog!

When Ella’s visitors came over she was so excited that she sat herself up on the couch which I thought was quite amazing! I had not seen her move herself yet and thought that was a big feat; and now she is ‘adjusting’ herself in comfortable positions on the couch. She is moving around so much sooner than I ever expected, she was even able to get her front half up on the couch, she stands there waiting for me to lift her butt; a trick she learned with the hip and knee surgeries 🙂

Ella is doing really well and I am so proud of her, I just wish she would get some sleep!

~ by serenityisadog on September 10, 2010 . Tagged: , ,

40 Responses to “:: Two Days Post Surgery”

  1.   etgayle Says:

    ella, you are being treated like a princess!!! glad you are doing so well, keep up the good work!!


  2.   Chloe's mom Says:

    Yay Ella! Looks like she has some people out in the world that really love and care for her! Always good to have lots of love!!

    Chloe learned how to climb OVER the couch the first week to sit in our large windowsill (about 5′ long and 3′ deep) when I had to run an errand…Would have much rather had her just sit on the couch like Ella instead of trying to play living room obstacle course. Another example of why I say she is part goof ball.

    Chloe and I hope Ella continues to do well!

    -Chloe’s mom

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