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:: Day After Surgery

We were able to bring Ella home  only 24 hours after surgery, we were so excited to see her!!  It was a tough night without her last night and all I wanted was to bring my baby girl home and take care of her.

We got to the hospital at 10am and had to do all the discharge paperwork etc and I was getting so antsy, I just wanted to see Ella. Finally she came ‘hopping’ through the exam room door and we were just so incredibly happy to see her. I did get a little chocked up when she was ‘hopping’ out to the car, I don’t think it was because I was sad but more because I was so proud of her. She is so strong and has been through so much in her 7 years, it’s amazing she just takes it as it comes and always stands tall.

So far the hardest challenges were getting her in and out of the car and the stairs to go inside. She is very awkward and the drugs  don’t help, but we are very awkward too and probably aren’t doing the best job in helping her- guess we will all learn together. Also it is hard to figure out where to grab with all the bandages so I can help her up, we have a cloth  harness which does help to maneuver her.  Even with her awkwardness I was amazed at how well she walked up the driveway and went up the stairs- truly amazing! She even peed before she went inside which I thought was a great sign!

Getting out of the car was a little tricky!

The couch seems to be the most comfortable spot for her, it is easy to kind of slide her off of it and slide her on.It seemed to be more challenging to get her up from her bed on the floor so she will stay on the couch for as long as she wants.

I am going to set up a spot on the floor next to her for the night, hopefully she will sleep through the night? Although everything I read say’s we won’t get much sleep!

So far since Ella has come home all she has done is sleep and snore. I am so glad she is resting and so glad she is home with us!

Ella slept most of the day away.

~ by serenityisadog on September 9, 2010 .

5 Responses to “:: Day After Surgery”

  1.   etgayle Says:

    ella, so glad to hear you are doing well after your surgery, and you are home!!! home is for healing. keep taking those medicinal naps, and don’t miss any opportunities to get extra treats during the next two weeks!!


  2.   admin Says:

    Welcome home Ella! Sounds like you’re doing great. Thanks for sharing your story, we look forward to following your three legged adventures. 🙂

  3.   Tara Says:

    Hi – I have a 10 year old Yellow Lab who came home today after her amputation. She is unbelievably resilient! I was wondering though – has Ella yelped or had any outward cries? Hatteras (my Lab) is a whiner by nature, but when she shakes her head or when we’ve picked her up to get her upstairs, she yelped really loudly. The doctor says it’s adjusting to her new condition, and that she’s not in pain (because of all the meds she’s on). Have you had that experience?

    •   serenityisadog Says:

      Hi Tara!
      I am so sorry about your Lab but glad she is home safe and sound with you! Ella has yelped a few times, the first time was when she was going down the stairs to go potty and then again when she tries to ‘adjust’ herself on the couch. It seems like it is mostly when she bends wrong which I am sure is normal considering the circumstances!! I am sure what your pup is going through is the same type of thing. I can’t imagine there is NO pain, I think Ella is comfortable when she is resting for the most part but I’m pretty sure when she yelps it is because it hurts. Last night was Ella’s first night home and it was a little rough- be prepared! She whimpered and whined almost all night, we took her out to potty in the middle of the night and then she slept for about 2 hours after that so that was probably the cause of some of her whining? Today she has been better, when she whines it is usually because she needs something ie: food, water, potty but she hasn’t slept at all. Hopefully that means she will sleep tonight.
      Good luck with your baby, please feel free to ask me anything since I am a day ahead of you I might be able to let you know what to expect 🙂 Good Luck!!

  4.   jdsmom Says:

    Wow Ella, Way to go in snagging a comfy spot on the couch! Your mom and dad are working so hard to make your homecoming a good one. Please keep up the snoring, it tells your pawrents that you are resting well. I loved to hear my girl JD snore- I miss that now, very much.

    Tell them to rest when they can and come here to Tripawds for support and information.
    You are such a pretty girl, love the spiffy green bandage wrap!

    Spirit Angel JD’s mom

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